Monday, April 23, 2007

Words and Pictures

While the pictures of Annika and Samuel speak volumes, we thought it would be be nice to let everyone know how things are going with our expanded family. First, Samuel has been an absolute joy. He sleeps a lot, feeds well, and is content when he's awake. It seems like our biggest struggle has been trying to figure out how to keep Old Faithful from erupting while we're changing his diaper. Samuel and Jessica have bonded very well.

Annika is adjusting to her brother, but she seems to have turned a corner today. She really loves him and enjoys giving him kisses, but I think that she's been acting out occasionally because of how our lives have changed. Fortunately, our weather has been spectacular since coming home, which makes life much more enjoyable for us. I'm putting a few more pictures up so you can see Annika ice skating, Samuel finishing his bath, Jessica cuddling with Samuel, and our family.


Nickolini said...

One time Collin erupted during a diaper change and it arched perfectly into his own mouth.

Mel said...

Jess you look FABULOUS!!