Monday, August 27, 2007

New Week, New Motivation

I've been in a bit of a SAHM (stay at home mom) slump so last night I said to myself, "'s a new week. Let's have a new start to this mommying thing." So today, instead of surfing the internet first thing, I got up, fed Samuel, did two loads of laundry, fed Samuel again, put Samuel down for a nap, helped Annika select an outfit, did a coloring/cutting project with her, worked with her on learning her address and phone number, made some tuna salad, fed Samuel. That was all before noon :-) Then the afternoon was a little less productive. Annika has a strong love affair with the movie Cars so she watched that...I'm sure I fed Samuel a few more times and he took another nap. But the two highlights of the afternoon (pic below) were receiving "fluffymail" (code for cloth diaper paraphernalia) and making "chocolate stuff" with Annika in the crockpot...yummy! The first two pics are of Annika helping and the last pic is Sammy in his new wool soaker from Harper of Mom's Boardwalk


Amy said...

Jess, you make me smile! My new SAHM thing is to cook stuff that can go in the freezer for easy meals later in the week. Today I made stuffed shells--what a PITA! But I'll cook anything any day over doing laundry. I've got baskets full of stuff that needs to be folded and put away...Miss you!

Andrew said...


Must be a mom thing. As an at-home dad, diapers fail to excite me whatsoever!

And as for the wool soakers...P made a few of them, and they were so cute. And they also lived up to their name, in that they tended to get rather soaked every time Simone peed. And this despite P's valiant efforts to lanolize (the upstairs bathroom smelled like sheep!). So, I'm glad if they work for you, but we happily use polyester wraps...

Hmm. Did you ever think you could possibly care so much about poop, pee, and things to contain them? Life is grand, ain't it?

Laurie M. Lee said...

Wow, you sound so organized, Jess. I send my girls off to play so I can get something done around the house. I'm trying to get back into reading to them once a day, but its difficult . There is still so much to be unpacked, fixed, etc. As for cooking with Cambria, I was just thinking that I miss making chocolate chip cookies by myself. It's fun to do it with her, but sometimes I just want to bake by myself...that means post-bedtime.