Saturday, April 26, 2008

Sod is Awesome.

Those of you who have seen our backyard know that it wasn't all that kid-friendly. We had couple dozen rosebushes, plenty of other plants that were out of control, and a patch of grass that was more weeds than actual grass. I often found the backyard depressing. That is all in the process of changing. I gave away our rosebushes to a friend, and then I set to tilling the backyard. That was actually quite fun. The picture below shows the results of the tilling.

Today I had a palette of sod delivered to the house. Annika, Nat (our youth pastor), and I spent a few hours putting the sod down. The transformation is incredible, to say the least. I never expected the yard to look instantly so much better. (The trick now is to make sure that the sun and bugs don't kill it!)

There is still work to do. We're going to be either mulching or laying more sod in the corner of the yard to make a playground for the kids. Photos of that will be coming once we've finished!

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