Saturday, September 20, 2008

A Picture is Worth 1000 Words (And At Least That Many Toys)

This picture sums up our day with Annika. When she went to bed, everything in her room was put away - thanks to her hardworking mom. In a little under two hours, she quietly got out virtually every toy in her closet and littered her room with them. (Here's a game: Can you find Annika in the picture?)

Our entire day with her is pretty much summed up in that picture. We took her to soccer practice (#2), and she spent pretty much the entire practice grousing about her shinguards hurting rather than actually learning how to dribble a soccer ball. I'm guessing this whole season will be more a test of our perseverance - we won't let her quit - than it will be a time for her to enjoy learning something new.

The irony in all of this is that I start teaching a parenting class at the church tomorrow. I've never felt less-equipped as a parent than I do right now. Thank you, Annika for breaking us. Ugh.

1 comment:

Laurie M. Lee said...

This looks like our rec room. Jeff and the girls had the clean-up Olympics right before we talked to you on Skype. Now it's nice and clean, but will it last? I doubt it.