Sunday, April 12, 2009

Resurrection (of Blogging)

We've made it to the other side of Easter, and so it's time to give you a quick update on how things have been going (at least in pictures). We had a busy but wonderful Easter. It's a bit strange to celebrate Easter when it's such a big work day for a pastor. Troy was out the door by 6:00 a.m. to help lead a community sunrise service. That meant that he missed the kids getting their Easter baskets (sniff). Jess got all three kids to the church so that she could run the three nurseries she set up for today. Church was followed by an Easter egg hunt, so the kids had a blast grabbing as many eggs as they could. This could have been an awful day because of how much was going on, but - God be praised - it was really great. Enjoy the pictures.


Amy said...

Oh I can so relate to this post. We had a fun but BUSY Easter too being in charge of everything. The life of a pastor's family. I think Advent is harder especially since we always seem to have newborns around the holidays.

Laurie M. Lee said...

Welcome back to the blog world. I'm trying to keep up on mine but it definitely goes in spurts.

We also had a crazy day. I don't think that Easter will ever be that easy...especially with three young children.

Andrea said...

Such cute outfits!!! Mine isn't too updated because our computer is broken so I cant upload pics! Looks like everyone had a great time!