Monday, May 4, 2009

May Day

Jess likes May Day, and so for the past two years, she and Annika have given flowers to our neighbors on May 1. It's fun for a couple of reasons. First, the neighbors get a kick out of getting the flowers, and, second, we have so many things in bloom around here from March through May that we don't have a hard time picking out blooms. The first picture below is from May Day 2008. The bottom picture is from this year. Kids grow too stinkin' fast.

1 comment:

Kristina said...

I was just talking to some friends about how May Day has been lost. No one does anything for it anymore. Good for you Jess to keep it alive. I will have to do that next year. Also, Annika looks sooooo much older. I can't believe it. So glad we can keep up with each other through blogs.