Thursday, January 10, 2008

Cloth Diapering in Time Magazine!

Ok, so those who read this blog/see posts of Sammy regularly know that we use cloth diapers. Many people I talk to are skeptical about the comeback of cloth, but I wanted to share that CDs have made it in Time Magazine!!!

C'mon you know you want to be cool like me and Julia Roberts ;-) And for good measure, here's another pic of Samuel in a very cute diaper which was dyed and embellished by Keli of Sugarlump Boutique


Amy said...

Jess, you rock! I am a CD drop-out :( I used cloth until Natalie was about 7 months, then gave up. Good for you for sticking with it. Sammy looks so adorable with in his cloth!

Mel said...

Also note that the article touted G-diaps! Though these are MUCH more expensive than cloth or disposables. I recommend them though it has been expensive.

Didi said...

Love it!! Whoo-hoo for cd'ing!!