Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Letter to Santa

This is a first for the HB family. Annika decided to send a letter to Santa with a very specific request for Christmas. (The added bonus is that she got to do it as part of her home-schooling.) The mailman picked it up and sent it to the North Pole - all for a first-class stamp! I wonder if Santa will hear her plea...


Blasco said...

Hey, are you homeschooling Annika? I know of someone who did that! Turned out kind of a dork, but there was no real helping that regardless.

suz said...

Is Annika wearing a pink tutu while delivering her mail? I love it. Hope you're all well!

Patrick said...

man that second picture is just about how i felt every time i had to write to santa claus

Andrea said...

Love how she can deliver mail in a tutu and A. is having to wear a snowsuit (does it look familiar Annika??)
Thinking of you during snow days!