Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Down...but Not Out

The pace has slowed considerably around here, which means picture taking has also slowed. Today marks one week since all of our kids started getting sick. Elliot was the first to go down, and Annika joined her brothers in illness on Monday night. We're almost through the woods, but it's been a LONG week. I think it was some type of roseola, as you can see by Elliot's lovely rash in the picture below. The irony of roseola is that when you look your worst - all rashy - you're no longer contagious. Needless to say, Elliot and Sam elicited a lot of questions at the pool...

The first picture below is of Annika and Sam at the "World's Best Frisbee Dogs" show that took place in Brunswick. (Of course, if they're the best, I wonder why they're in Brunswick, but I digress...) They had a lot of fun, even if it was in the upper 90s by 10 a.m. Gotta love Georgia summer.

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