Friday, October 17, 2008

"Friendly Birth Place"

Those of you who know Jess well understand that she highly values having a midwife deliver our children. We were able to have midwives both in Ann Arbor and Princeton, but they do not exist in Glynn County, Georgia. After many visits with local OB/GYNs, Jess decided that she was unhappy with what was available to her around here for birthing, and she was able to find an amazing place in Savannah that treats birth as a natural process rather than a risk to be mitigated. Annika, who is pretty emotionally in sync with Jess, knew how stressed her mom was over the prospects of birth here, and now she's taken to calling our birthing center "The Friendly Birth Place."

We all had a chance to visit there today, and it was truly wonderful. (It even uses solar power for electricity and hot water!) There are two birthing rooms. The pictures below are of one of the rooms. Missing from the picture is the sizable jacuzzi, where Jess hopes to labor. Just start praying now that we have enough time from knowing we're in labor to getting to Savannah!


wes said...

Way to go!!! We're praying you make it to next week, and then to the birthing center. ~Lindsay

Sutherlun said...

Looks pretty nice, Jess - maybe you should just go ahead and check in now, then you'd be there in plenty of time. - Amy

Laurie M. Lee said...

Man, I would have liked a regular bed for birthing. The hospital bed is terrible. I almost delivered Carys in the tub, but the midwife didn't make it in time. More details in person someday. :-)