Sunday, October 26, 2008

Lining Things Up

Both of our kids from a very young age have liked to line things up. I won't say that they like things orderly (one look into our house at midday would dispel that notion immediately), but they do like lining up toys. This evening Sam decided to make a train out of his cars (and a couple of Thomas pieces). Sam likes cars and adores trucks. I don't understand the boy and trucks, but I guess he's on his way to becoming a good southerner.

1 comment:

Laurie M. Lee said...

I was just discussing this very thing the other day. Cambria is majorly into placing things in order, however, she doesn't seem to care about the mess of clothes she leaves around. HMMMM... I'm not sure about Avery, since she hardly gets to play by herself. :-) However, I do think that she's more of a "free-spirit."